Favorite Quotes


“Its not only about whether the work gets done, but about how the work gets done.” 

A few observations and much reasoning lead to error; many observations and a little reasoning to truth.

“More business is lost every year through neglect than through any other cause.” 

“No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.”




1 CPU Cycle

0.3 ns

1 second

Level 1 cache access

0.9 ns

3 second

Level 2 cache access

2.8 ns

9 seconds

Level 3 Cache access

12.9 ns

43 seconds

Main memory access (DRAM, from CPU)

120 ns

6  min

Solid-state disk I/O (flash memory)

50-150 µs

2-6 days

Rotational disk I/O

1-10 ms

1-12 months

Internet: San Francisco to New York

40 ms

4 years

Internet: San Francisco to UK

81 ms

8 years

Internet: San Francisco to Australia

183 ms

19 years

TCP packet retransmit

1-3 s

105-317 years

Fixing an Incorrectly Resolved Git Rebase Conflict After a Force Push

Scenario You resolved a rebase conflict, but did it wrong. You’ve already committed and force-pushed the branch to your remote (e.g.,  origi...